i_love_u_arzu 2014/02/20 17:09
Many of might have read about it but lemme write again cuz am feeling bored
I will explain you the basis of your blood group.
Blood groups are formed cuz of the presence of different types of antigens (sort of proteins) on the surface of RED BLOOD CELLS (RBC)
There are two antigens only:
A and B
•Some people have only A proteins on their blood cells so their blood group is said as A
• Some ppl have B proteins only on their blood cells so deir blood group is B
• Some ppl have neither A antigens nor B antigens so their blood group is O group
• Some ppl have both the A and AlB antigens on their RBCs so their blood group is AB.
If any confusion u can post here and any knowledgeable person will answer it sometime..-haha3-
-LILY- 2014/02/20 18:57
:-D i dnt knw about dis... bt my blood group is "B" positive...
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