Networks solution by Samuel099 2014/02/16 23:03
I want everyone to know that no network is a fool to provide free call or internet surfing free also the solution is that they will provide you link to surf or call with less and smooth calling and surfing. If you still dont understand me go to heaven and ask God for free call and net surfing thanks.
Elfuego 2014/02/20 21:29
MUNNA.MJ 2014/03/12 02:10
TinHeart 2014/03/12 08:28
actually,a free wap option is available in my country for some SIM cards
younggenius 2014/03/28 03:51
which network are you using? I use MTN,Does anyone know how to get free mb with it? Please share.
jaQui 2014/07/10 19:03
Mtn dont have that option.

Quote: younggenius: which network are you using? I use MTN,Does anyone know how to get free mb with it? Please share.

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/12 12:08
Samuel099 2014/09/04 09:39
Quote: Eeprom: my network gives me 1gb free each month ,comes in handy for when away from wifi but downloads it wouldn't last long
haha! what you're talking about is a bonus credit...

Samuel099 2014/09/09 08:47
Quote: Eeprom: yes its called dolphin rewards
Hahahahahaha you're the most funniest guy in the world!!!

Samuel099 2014/09/09 08:48
Quote: Eeprom: yes its called dolphin rewards
Hahahahahaha you're the most funniest guy in the world!!!.

pricy 2014/09/09 13:29
Better u buy a data plan
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