a logical lesson by
Crownstar 2014/02/03 10:12
"This is a lesson in logic," said the old professor in the teahouse. "If the show starts at nine and dinner is at six, and my son has the measles, and my brother drives a Cadillac, how old am I?"
"You are eighty-four," replied Mulla Nasruddin promptly.
"Right," said the professor. "Now tell the rest of the fellows here how you arrived at the correct answer."
"It is easy," said Nasruddin. "I have got an uncle who is forty-two, and he is only half nuts. You must be eighty-four."
TinHeart 2014/02/04 06:52
84 and still teaching.now that's completely nuts!
ABHIRAJ 2014/02/04 13:48
Nutty joke
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