Slowly But Surely Falling IN LOVE by Rohan786 2014/01/28 13:29
Never before did I believe
That love could ever be real
A myth another fairy tale
A forgotten dream
Was all it was to me

But as I stare into your eyes
And you press your lips against mine
My heart stutters in my chest
My breath catches in my throat
In your arms I let myself fall

So heartbroken so alone was I
Condemning myself to my believed fate
Afraid to feel, terrified to hurt
You tore down these sacred walls
Stealing away my heart

Never did I notice it missing
For never once did I feel it beat
As it lay yours in your hands
Never did I hear my laugh a little louder
While you were the cause

These words cannot compare
To all that I feel for you
I smile bigger and laugh harder
My eyes shine brighter
Reflecting the care I feel for you

My heart beats a little faster
At the thought of you
Fireflies fill my stomach
At your mere touch
I'm falling for you more each day

And when you're lost and alone
Listen in the background
Hear my voice
Listen to me whisper
I'm falling in love with you

-LILY- 2014/01/28 13:45
oh wow beautiful poem rohan ...
aksy 2014/01/30 07:44
nice feelings
Rohan786 2014/01/30 08:33
Thanks aksy
Rohan786 2014/01/30 08:33
.thanku. Lily
Kayli 2014/01/30 10:27
/smiley beautiful
Princess_of_Love 2014/01/30 11:49
Lovely .
Crownstar 2014/01/30 12:55
unitedbby 2014/01/30 16:48
Nice, but dnt think i will ever fall in luv again
ssali.ivan 2014/01/30 18:27
Quote: ~LILY~: oh wow beautiful poem rohan ...

dellie 2014/01/30 18:52
Beautiful my friend.
goodluckforu 2014/01/31 02:18
The lines of a verse germinates seeds of love & make it feel too. But love in real sense has to cover a long distance in its journey of life. We fail to understand it & maintain it likewise. If two loving-hearts keep it, it's really a matter of compliment. But sorry to say that love in modern age has become simply a few words to say cheaply but neither to feel it nor to keep it. It changes from morning to evening. May be the world of love blessed by God but we humane-beings have wasted its true value ! Thanks.
Hareesh 2014/01/31 02:38

TinHeart 2014/01/31 05:48
Congratulations for the beautiful poem.Hope you truelly found love!
dellie 2014/01/31 07:09
Beautiful as always
PINACLE 2014/01/31 07:45
That is ok very nice
Tinky 2014/01/31 11:59
Wow nice poem
Tochi Prudence 2014/01/31 13:34
Saiyah 2014/02/01 11:39
Rohan786 2014/02/01 12:41
Thanks Tochi
Rohan786 2014/02/01 12:42
Thanks Tinky
Replies: 31

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