S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/22 16:25
1-Keep your houses and work places protected against mosquitoes.
2-Keep houses and work places airy, bright and moisture-free.
3-Fix nets on doors and windows.
4-wear full sleeve clothes.
5-Use mosquite nets while sleepinG.
6-Keep the overhead water tanks covered.
7-Empty water containers after a week, let them dry and then fill again.
8-water should not fall from the overhead water thanks to accumulate permanently, instead dry it.
9-water should not accumutate in any case both inside or outside the house.
10-Keep your houses and mohallah's clean.
11-Keep the fence and hedge boundaries duly trimmed both inside and outside the house and spray over them with insecticides, particularly in the evening.
12-Water should not stay all the time in the flower pots, flower beds, etc.
Instead water them only in the morning every alternate day.
saahir 2014/01/22 16:27
Informative topic for sharing.
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/22 16:33
Identification of the disease?
The presence of virus of this disease in the body can be assured through blood test in the laboratory.
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/22 16:40
The specific indications of this disease include fever with:
1-Severe headache, cold and flu.
2-pain in body, back and joints.
3-Pain behind the eyes.
4-Presence of red spots on the body.
5-In case of serious illness, bleeding starts from different parts of body i.e. MOUTH, NOSE, ETC.
-LILY- 2014/01/23 08:40
nice info bhai -gdpost-
Good4Love 2014/01/23 09:06
Nice, thanks for sharing...
TinHeart 2014/01/23 10:09
and use anti-mosquito repellent cream or spray
or anti mosquito repellant electrical devices,those are cheap and efficient
SAFDAR 2014/01/24 02:10
CUTE-HINA 2014/02/16 17:11
Dangue fever danger for humans
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