33 not 33 crores! by
Rebellion 2013/12/11 10:56
There is a general perception among other religions that Hindus believe in 330 million Devas and Devis so Hinduism is essentially a pluralistic religion based on Dharma. This is a wrong perception because the 330 million figure refers to "Deities" which are the manifestations of One Supreme Being-Ishwar of Parambrahamn. In the Vedas, Thirty-three Deities are listed. This is followed by the Sanskrit word koti, which is used for "class"[15] but can also be used for a number equal to 10 million. According to one view, some scholars misinterpreted the word koti - which is meant to mean "class", claiming that there are 330 million gods within Hinduism.[10] Another view contends that 330 million is a figure symbolizing infinity, indicating infinite forms of God.
(Source - Wikipedia)
So don't get fooled by haters Who tell you false stories to make you join their fake religion ;) Be proud that you're a hindu, You believe in the truth Which is God! And You believe in the science behind everything.
jaQui 2014/03/08 21:44
Thanx for the info
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