no one can change by DONKEY 2013/11/21 12:52
no one in this world can change their attitude if they r born with that in their DNA...
_rOcK_ 2013/11/21 16:15
Give a source of this information,
this is your own generated random funny fact???

jaQui 2013/11/21 17:55
I dont agree wit dat
jaQui 2013/11/21 17:57
I dont agree wit dat,,, we r not born with attitudes
Aita 2013/11/21 22:55
Never say NEVER.. If u want 2 change, u can.
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/11/22 02:54
Your user name is compltly ok 4 u /smiley Br0
DONKEY 2014/04/06 04:10
Quote: jacki: I dont agree wit dat,,, we r not born with attitudes
a fact said by our zoology not completelety.....he can change it to a maximum of 20%...not more than that....and even if he change his behavior,in future he will tend to return to the same track unless he is constantly guided

DONKEY 2014/04/06 04:11
Quote: _rOcK_: Give a source of this information,
this is your own generated random funny fact???
reason/source is quoted in jakie's comment...check it!

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