SORRY I'm disturbing you at this time, . . but.... by Rohan786 2013/11/15 11:32
SORRY I'm disturbing you at this time,
but please can you do me a
If you are not Busy or not
doing anything important....
Can you please....
It really suits you
MORAL- All pErsoNs are not
hungry of likes some of
them wants care of their fRienDs !!!See More
Fantasy 2013/11/15 11:57
yes you r right .. coz The bad experience lead to doubt .. good. one .. .. thanx for care ...
Lelsi 2013/11/15 15:30
You've got the point here, unfortunately when you ask someone "you've got minute?" people tend to think you need something from them and all you want is spending some time with your friends.
Manjula_Sharma 2013/11/15 16:23
Quote: Rohan786: SORRY I'm disturbing you at this time,
but please can you do me a
If you are not Busy or not
doing anything important....
Can you please....
It really suits you
MORAL- All pErsoNs are not
hungry of likes some of
them wants care of their fRienDs !!!See More

Is it a necessary call!

Georginia 2013/11/15 17:37
Smile God loves you.
little_mermaid 2013/11/19 10:26
Smile makes everything better
Aman.Rana 2013/11/20 14:15
smile makes good friend
Kayli 2013/11/20 21:44
Rohan786 2015/01/04 07:36
Georginia 2015/01/04 13:48
Hey Rohan /smiley /smiley
TemPEST 2015/01/04 14:04
Hmm wont forget
Lil wayne 2015/06/30 09:11
Quote: Georginia: Smile God loves you.
first smile is a healer 2 d soul nd also distroys anger,pain,habouring of malis,nd so many other tins.......

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