You can't live in it! by Rebellion 2013/11/10 12:30
My 'heart' is made of 'stone',
You can 'penetrate' it, You can 'break it'
But you can't live in it...
I burned down the past in hearth
Every piece of which hurts my nerves
My 'Pen iterates' this fact every now & then
While My (Life) is in 'bracket' with pain

It's not that it has always been lifeless
But the fact is that it was stoned to death
I have to keep it cuz the world would make it shout
And believe me, It's the only reason Why I can't take it out

Eleto 2013/11/10 12:39
SO TOUCHING. nice one bro
-LILY- 2013/11/10 18:39

#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.