*memories* by SONIC2013/10/18 17:04 I always remember my childhood house with happy memories. There was a beautiful
garden, and outside my bedroom window was a jasmine vine which would open in
the evenings, giving off a divine scent .flower1.
Any such early childhood memmories in ur mind rite nw.....share it here..smile.
Kumz2013/10/18 17:08 Fighting with the other kids in the school van to get the window seat...... and winning.
jaQui2014/10/03 16:44 Great topic swty. Where are u
_SnOwBoY_2014/10/04 02:22 I like childhood tension/stress free days...play.
ladyme2014/10/10 12:28 Yeah those days I used to wail cause it's monday again. "I don't wanna go to school!!! Then got the petting and the wraps of biscuits as bribe .lol.