GreAt iNfO. FOr COunTeR sTrikE PLayErs by
-Bl4cKL!sT3D- 2013/10/10 06:56
CS iS tHe WOrlD wIdE FAmOuS GAmE. HAvE yeW SeEn gaMe PLay OF pRoFfesIoNAl cS gAMeRS? THe DIfFeReNt FUcTiOnS tHey UsE CAnt BE SEt fRoM sEtTiNGS MEnU. YEw HAvE tO usE cOnsOlE cOdEs fOr THat. jUz pResS ~ tO OPeN cOnSoLe mEnU
1-Client Side Commands : ah 1Toggles Auto-Help (gives player hint messages
throught the game) - Setting
of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.
observercrosshair 1 Set to '1'
to enable crosshairs in
Observer mode, '0' to disable.
dm 1 Toggles displaying of map
briefings after loading a new
map - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0
= 'off'
cl_hidefrags 0 Toggles hiding everyone
else's scores except your
own - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0
= 'off'
drawradar This turns the radar on
fastsprites 0 Sets the complexity of the
smoke sprites for the smoke
grenade - The range is 0-2,
with 0 looking the most like
actual smoke
hideradar This turns the radar off
hud_centerid 0 Toggles the centering of the
auto-ID text - Setting of 1 =
'on', and 0 = 'off'
lefthand 0 Toggles the use of holding
weapons in left hand -
Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
listmaps Lists the maps available on
the server that the client can
vote for - the server admin
specifies which maps get
listed by editing the
mapcycle.txt file.
max_shells 300 Sets the number of shells
visible at one time (0-500)
max_smokepuffs 300 Sets the number of smoke
puffs visible at one time
nightvision Bind this to a key to toggle
the use of the night vision
goggles rate 2500 Sets how much data/
information you receive from
the server that you are
connected to - for a 14.4
connection, set your rate to
1500 - 33.6k connection use 3000 - 56k modem use 3500 -
ISDN should be 5000 - all
connections faster than that
should be between 5000 and
setinfo vgui_menus 1 Toggles the VGUI menu -
Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'
timeleft States how much time is left
on the particular map
votemap Allows the client to vote for a
particular map