Mumps by KingFISHER 2013/10/09 06:45
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Mumps is a viral infection transmitted by and affecting only humans. While the salivary glands (especially the parotid gland) are well known to be involved during a mumps infection, many other organ systems may also experience effects of the virus infection. There is no cure for mumps, but the illness is of short duration (seven to 10 days) and resolves spontaneously. Prior to the introduction of mumps vaccination, the highest rate of new cases of mumps was reported in the late winter to early spring.
KingFISHER 2013/10/09 06:49
Mumps virus is a single strand of RNA housed inside a two-layered envelope that provides the virus its characteristic immune signature. Only one type of mumps virus has been demonstrated to exist (in contrast to the many virus types that can cause the common cold).
Mumps is highly contagious and has a rapid spread among members living in close quarters. The virus most commonly is spread directly from one person to another via respiratory droplets. Less frequently, the respiratory droplets may land on fomites (sheets, pillows, clothing) and then be transmitted via hand-to-mouth contact after touching such items. The incubation period from exposure to the virus and onset of symptoms is approximately 14-18 days. Viral shedding is short lived and a patient should be isolated from other susceptible individuals for the first five days following the onset of swelling of the salivary (parotid) glands.

KingFISHER 2013/10/09 06:51
1.Failure to be immunized completely (two separate doses) with exposure to those with mumps
2.Age: The highest risk of contracting mumps is to children between 2-12 years of age
3.Season: epidemics of mumps were most likely during the winter/spring seasons
4.Travel to high-risk regions of the world: Africa, general Indian subcontinent region, and Southeast Asia. These areas have a very low rate of vaccination.
5.Weakening immune system: either due to diseases (for example, HIV/ AIDS, cancer) or medication (oral steroid use for more than two weeks, chemotherapy)
6.Born before 1956: Generally, these individuals are believed to have experienced mumps infection in childhood. However, if they did not, they are at risk for adult mumps disease. A blood test may be obtained to determine immunity and is worthwhile if any doubt exists regarding prior mumps infection.

KingFISHER 2013/10/09 06:52
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Nonspecific symptoms of low-grade fever, headache, muscle aches (myalgia), reduced appetite, and malaise occur during the first 48 hours of mumps infection. Parotid gland swelling characteristically is present on day three of illness. (The parotid gland is a salivary gland located anterior to the ear and above the angle of the jaw -- imagine a large set of sideburns.) The parotid gland is swollen and tender to touch, and referred pain to the ear may also occur. Parotid gland swelling may last up to 10 days, and adults generally experience worse symptoms than children. Approximately 95% of individuals who develop symptoms of mumps will experience tender inflammation of their parotid glands.
Interestingly about 15%-20% of mumps cases have no clinical evidence of infection, and 50% of patients will have only nonspecific respiratory symptoms and not the characteristic description above. Adults are more likely to experience such a subclinical or respiratory-only constellation of symptoms while children between 2-9 years of age are more likely to experience the classic presentation of mumps with parotid gland swelling.

KingFISHER 2013/10/09 06:57

The mainstay of therapy (regardless of age range) is to provide comfort for this self-limited disease. Taking analgesics (acetaminophen, ibuprofen) and applying warm or cold packs to the swollen and inflamed salivary gland region may be helpful.

-LILY- 2013/10/09 09:51
Really Nice /smiley
The_Torpid 2013/10/09 09:51
Too Informative.....well i hate those mumps..... /smiley
But nice to see.... /smiley /smiley

Hareesh 2013/10/15 09:59
Wow. . . .nice
info bhai
10q. . . . . .

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