LOVE..... by Clarence 2013/10/02 09:29
Love should be the source of happiness n strenght in our life Love has the power to offset the distress we encounter during our struggle for existence,.. When love bcumes selfishly blind, the Bond loosens and Misery Follows..!
_X-AJAY 2013/10/02 09:34
matter of heart
-LILY- 2013/10/02 09:38
Love is the union of 2 hearts that joyfully share together an unspoken promise to kept true... /smiley
Clarence 2013/10/02 10:02
True words Cute LiLy
NAASH 2013/10/02 10:37
Quote: CUTE-LILY: Love is the union of 2 hearts that joyfully share together an unspoken promise to kept true... /smiley

S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/05 02:23
/smiley clarence
Anuradha786 2014/05/30 23:28
Love is two people completely comfortable together /smiley
rozyz 2014/05/31 00:09
Its true but one will lose an he cheated she loves him an waits for him he can't except. It think she is with other men
Smarty 2015/09/27 15:14
I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Umm. One what? think she is with other men?
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