judge by
Dashman 2013/09/21 17:09
-heya- PPl
I meet 1 online -judge- this topic dedication to her.....
Remembered 1 thing about life " Don't judge the PPl otherwise PPl judge u" its quote which I read in 2wap forum....
OK tell me what yr view about judging ppl ????
Thank you..... u r judge sahiba (madam) then I m liar here.... .bpeace.
GhAyAl 2013/09/21 17:25
No one hv d ryt to judge ne1....
-Marizelle- 2013/09/21 18:18
Only one person to judge us one day and that's God
Georginia 2013/09/22 11:18
Dont jugde others cos u too will be judge on judgement day. If u point one fingers to others three fingers r pointing at you only. But we r human being we all make errors. M not perfect maybe i did judge others n m not a liar
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