Live a happy life by LoneLy_heArt 2013/09/11 05:24
Always choose to heal, not to hurt; to forgive, not
to despise; to persevere, not to quit; to smile, not to frown; and to love, not to hate At the end of life , what really matters is not what we bought but what we BUILT; not what we got but what we SHARED; not our competence but our CHARACTER; and not our success, but our SIGNIFICANCE Live a life that matters Live a happy life that cares.
NOVEJAN 2013/09/11 05:48
Life z a book v all read.
Luv z a blessng v all need.
Alys b happy, alys wear a /smiley
Rembr in dz wrld v r jst 4 a while.

NOVEJAN 2013/09/11 05:49
Quote: LoneLy_heArt: Always choose to heal, not to hurt; to forgive, not
to despise; to persevere, not to quit; to smile, not to frown; and to love, not to hate At the end of life , what really matters is not what we bought but what we BUILT; not what we got but what we SHARED; not our competence but our CHARACTER; and not our success, but our SIGNIFICANCE Live a life that matters Live a happy life that cares.
Nice words..friend/smiley

KingFISHER 2013/09/11 06:30
be happy with which you have.
Georginia 2013/09/11 08:47
Awesome Best fren such a nice meaningful words../smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/11 09:40
Wow -topmarks-
GhAyAl 2013/09/11 09:46
Nicely living
mary78 2013/09/11 20:07
NAASH 2013/09/11 21:01
Quote: LoneLy_heArt: Always choose to heal, not to hurt; to forgive, not
to despise; to persevere, not to quit; to smile, not to frown; and to love, not to hate At the end of life , what really matters is not what we bought but what we BUILT; not what we got but what we SHARED; not our competence but our CHARACTER; and not our success, but our SIGNIFICANCE Live a life that matters Live a happy life that cares.

SNATH 2013/09/12 01:34
Well-thought & spoken from the heart but quite opposite the world today ! Who cares to follow ? This world of today, only heart-breaker, emotion-killer, purity of heart ; a subject to laughter & teaching of humanity ; a topic of annoyance ! But don't let ur heart break. Follow ur thoughts in ur every action to the words. Thanks to u if u follow atleast urself. Let the world go its own way. Don't care.
Georginia 2013/09/12 05:47
Quote: SNATH: Well-thought & spoken from the heart but quite opposite the world today ! Who cares to follow ? This world of today, only heart-breaker, emotion-killer, purity of heart ; a subject to laughter & teaching of humanity ; a topic of annoyance ! But don't let ur heart break. Follow ur thoughts in ur every action to the words. Thanks to u if u follow atleast urself. Let the world go its own way. Don't care.
Well said my fren

Hareesh 2013/09/12 10:00
.wow. 10q
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