*THE SECRETS OF LIFE* by Aita 2013/09/06 19:25
Look 4 the beauty in EVERYTHING you see. Walk in peace showing kindness EVERYWHERE. The secrets of success are motivation and dedication. Happiness is what you make happen 4 yourself. Caring is going 2 the ends of the world 4 a stranger. Be usefull with your life. Whatever you are doing , put your whole being in2 it 100%. Loving is pleasing your loveones everyday in a 1000 ways. Control your mind - you are its master - be in control. Live your life without hurting or destroying. Believe in yourself. Have respect 4 yourself. WALK THROUGH LIFE ALWAYS WITH A SONG -smile-
Aita 2013/09/06 19:32
Quote: princess_nisha: excellent.thanks for sharing
Most welcome /smiley

Tiger68 2013/09/06 19:33
Verry true !
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/06 19:36
NAASH 2013/09/06 19:38
G8..lines..Thanks For Sharing/smiley
Tiger68 2013/09/06 19:51
Secret is realy Love
Hareesh 2013/09/07 06:24
Wwow its 9ice
harsh 2013/09/07 07:57
Wonderfull Quets thnx for sharing m
-LILY- 2013/09/07 09:07
/smiley nice /smiley
Trax 2013/09/07 14:22
thnxx fr shAring sis..
wowsum linEz...!

KingFISHER 2013/09/08 04:00
you revealed the secrets. Thank you!
_-Raj-_ 2013/09/08 09:59
Superb lines /smiley
Zephyr 2013/09/09 04:42
mary78 2013/09/09 06:30
ada 2013/09/23 19:58
nice one
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.