How man is destroying the Nature by SAFDAR 2013/09/06 11:26
Humans are the most dominant animals in the biosphere. Like other living organisms, humans also depend upon nature for their survival. However, dependence of humans on environment is greater than that of other organisms because they are more than mere biological creatures. Human beings are the only living beings who can change their environment to suit their needs. But, in the process, have upset the nature balance. Following is a list of activities that have caused an imbalance in nature.
SAFDAR 2013/09/06 11:29
1. Deforestation:
Human beings have been cutting down trees indiscriminately to create land for farming and housing to meet the needs of the ever-increasing human population.
As the human population has increased, human requirement of firewood, furniture and wood for industrial and agricultural uses also increased. This has resulted in large-scale felling of trees, leading to deforestation.
Many birds and animals have been rendered homeless due to loss of their habitat. As a result, many of them have hadto migrate to different places. Many species of birds and animals like tiger and panther cannot survive except in forest.
Many carnivorous animals have turned man-eaters, as they do not get sufficient foodin the forest. Destruction of habitat leads to extinction of some species. The disturbs the balance in nature.

SAFDAR 2013/09/06 11:31
2. Hunting:
Human beings have destroyed large number of birds and animals by hunting. Hunting is done either for sport, for foodor for greed. Tigers, panthers, deers crocodiles, snakes, etc., are killed for their skins. Elephants are killed for their tusks, peacocks for feathers and a large variety of birds and animals hunted for food. Indiscriminate hunting of animals can lead to their extinction. Scientists say if immediate measures are not taken about, 25% of all the animal species will become extinct in the next 25 years.

SAFDAR 2013/09/06 11:33
3. Overpopulation:
Increase in human population has led to increased deforestation to meet the growing demands of food and housing of the increased numbers. Overpopulation has led to population of land, water and soil. It will also lead to depletion of mineral resources like iron, tin, gold, copper, silver, etc., and fossilfuels like coal, natural gas and petroleum.

SAFDAR 2013/09/06 11:35
4. Population:
Population can be defined as an irreversible change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, water and land that may harmfully affect human life directly or indirectly. The substances, which pollute the environment,are called pollutants. Air pollution is mainly caused by the burning of fuels like coal, petrol, wood, kerosene in homes, smoke from cars, buses, trucks, etc., and the smoke emitted from powerhouses and industries.

Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/09/06 14:41
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S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/09 07:08
HASSAN.RAZA 2014/02/16 16:28
Very very nice topic
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