Melamine an Kidney stones. by
Kayli 2013/08/23 20:21
Whn combined wit cyanuric acid. Which may also b present in melamine crysttals tht can gv rise 2 kidney stones. Eating hot foods on melamine dishes increases th risk of developing kidney stones. Th amount of melamine we ar exposed 2 increase with hot temperatures. There 4, th change of developing kidney stones rises. Researchers perform a crossover investigation of consumption of pasta in melamine bowls an total an toal melamine excretion in urine. 24 ppl was tested. Th results showed tht total melanine excretion in urine for 12 hrs was 8.45 micrograms in melamine bowls. An total melamine excretion in urine for 12 hrs in ceramic bowls was 1.21 micrograms. So the longterm melamine exposure, should b of big concern.
Kayli 2013/08/23 21:16
_babe_: There are 4 kinda food tha causes kidney stonons and too many uric acid in ubr blood thats the reason for stones, its in ur dieet,
tht cud also be a reason. Tx
TheMouse 2013/08/23 21:51
I'm just recovering from one year of treatments for kidney stones of the type calcium oxalate.
For the last three weeks, I' e been able again to walk without pain, and now feel as if I had come out of a wheelchair. The most important thing for me now is change of eating habits, and drinking enough liquid to excrete a minimum if two litres of urine per day.
Trax 2013/08/24 02:35
gr8 info sis...
1krma fr u..!!! -up-
KingFISHER 2013/08/24 03:26
Excellent informative topic.
Georginia 2013/08/24 03:57
Excellent topic... Nice info....well done.. Keep it up
NAASH 2013/08/24 16:07!
saahir 2015/06/22 05:20
Informative topic.
for sharing us.
saahir 2015/06/26 22:08
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