How To Plant a Tree.? by
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 06:43
Planting a tree is not as simple as just digging a hole and throwing the tree in it. If you want the tree you're planting to survive and thrive, here's what to do.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 06:47
*Select the right time of year for planting the tree.*
Do not plant in late spring or summer because the heat will stress the plant and may cause it to die. The best time to plant a tree is fall (autumn) or early spring.
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SAFDAR 2013/08/22 06:56
*Choose a suitable tree for the region, climate, and space*
Research local cultivars of species native to your area. If you are willing plant a non-native species, consider carefully why. We have chosen all native trees which will do well in our area.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:00
*Prepare the hole.*
Takea suitable shovel and dig a hole that is 4-5 times the width of the root ball, more than enough so it will fit, and give room for the fresh roots to grow without stress. This lets the roots ease in more easily and begin to grow outwards into the soil. No need to cut off the wire root basket if there is one, the roots will grow through and it will prevent damaging the rootball during planting.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:11
*Prepare the tree for planting.*
The process is slightly different for a small tree and a large tree:
If it is asmall tree, then you can turn it upside down gently to get it out of the pot. You could also cut some plastic containers to remove them.
If the tree is larger and has a net or a hessian or rope bag, you might need to use large scissors or a sharp knife to cut through the packaging. Avoid handling the tree with the burlap off. Put it in the hole, then cut the burlap and rope from around the trunk of the tree, leaving the wire basket. The goal is to keep as much dirt around the roots aspossible; moving the tree more than absolutely necessary can easily cause air to get to the roots and drythem out, even inside the rootball.
Don't leave a tree's roots out of its container or burlap for too long. Especially in sun and wind, it could dry out and damage the roots.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:17
*Place the tree into the hole gently.*
Be sure the hole isn't too deep or too shallow. The ground level of the plant in the pot should match up with the ground level after you fill the hole in. Do not bury over the crown (where the stem changes to root) or leave any roots exposed.
You can place the handle of your shovel flat across the hole from one side to the other to measure whether the crown is level with the surrounding soil before filling in the hole.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:21
*Use some compost or composted manure if needed.*
If the soil that you currently have is not rich, hasclay-like qualities or if it has the consistency of dust or sand, the addition of manure or compost will give the tree agreat start in life. Backfill three quarters of the hole with existing dirt, one quarterwith compost or composted manure.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:26
*Resist the temptation to use a commercial fertilizer*
A great benefit to new trees, however, is an organic mixture that includes micorrhizae, beneficial fungi that enhance a tree's uptake of soil nutrients. It may also include rock phosphate, a natural root-growth enhancer.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:29
*Water the newly planted tree*
Allow settling,backfill the remaining soil, and water again. This will eliminateair pockets. Water one gallon (3.7 liters) for every six inches (15 cm) of tree height.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:31
*Water it again*
After the planting is finished come back in about an hour and water one more time.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:34
*Keep watering your tree for the first few years as it gets established*
Depending on the climate and your area, it will need weekly watering untilthe roots are established. To form deep roots, water deeply. A long, slow trickle of water will water more deeply than a quick sprinkling. Remember, deep roots help your tree to resist droughts and winds. Let the ground dry out, at least some what, between watering.
SAFDAR 2013/08/22 07:37
LAST.*Enjoy the tree as it grows over the years with you, your family and friends*
Appreciate its shade and beauty and thank yourself for adding another tree to the world.
HandsomeDon 2013/08/22 07:43
please rate/ vote topic here NEW/topic/3203727>topic id: 3203727 Rating / Voting Zone
HandsomeDon 2013/08/24 15:34
nice ..... informative topic
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