Joe and Babe. by Mannah 2013/08/18 08:06
Joe:hello babe can u plz meet me at the restaurant i have to tell u something. Babe:ok i will be there in ten min.. Joe:babe am sorry but i dont love u again i want u to get a new bf....(waiter the lady is about to cry so give her coca-cola to drink before she cry.....) Babe:why are u doing diz to me after aborting seven pregnancy u want to break up with me ...(babe started cryn,but when the waiter brought the drink and open it for babe she was very happy,she begun to laugh ) joe:why are u laughn,by the way i told u everything Will be ok,u are happy,tell me why u are laughn.. Babe:joe i just won a hundred billion dollars..look at it ,is written on the bottle..good bye.. Joe:babe wait,i was only joking with you... If u were to be Joe/Babe what will u have done?
The_Torpid 2013/08/28 18:22
What the hell was it???? /smiley /smiley /smiley (headbang)
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/23 10:35
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