MinisteR nameS woRld wiDe.. :P by Trax 2013/08/03 16:11
imaGine name oF seX ministeR woRldwide......

nAme of russiAn seX ministeR
zabeRdesti boobpReski... -hehe-


sRilankan seX ministeR
sucK mYliNgam .... -haha-
cHinese seX ministeR
gAnd soonG li.. -rofl-

pAk seX ministeR
sHake mYbooB.... -hahaha-
keNya seX ministeR
oGand me baMbo.... -gap-

iNdian seX minisTer
gotYa lal .... -haha2-



seX ministeR oF s.AraBia
sHake bin mAki cHut aBu da luLLA... -roflmfao-
____THe.bosS 2013/08/03 16:18
Directly abusive topic. This is not a comedy
Trax 2013/08/03 16:20
Quote: ____THe.bosS: Directly abusive topic. This is not a comedy
no bRo...
it juS foR jokin..!!! :-P

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