What kind of music do you prefer? by Lelsi 2013/07/30 03:24
What music genre do you listen to? Are you listening to different music genres until you „find" yourself in one ,or do you perhaps listen to a mix of the things you like, regardless of the genres, or are you maybe one of those who easily go for what is popular at the moment in the music industry? And is there a music genre you totally cannot stand, or perhaps an artist/band? Or maybe a song in particular?
Someone 2013/07/30 05:43
Like music which is peaceful and not so loud.., genres doesn't matters much.
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/30 13:43
I LikE SoFt and SaD SonG (music) Sometime /smiley
Hareesh 2013/07/31 04:22
May be luv
Eleto 2013/07/31 06:50
I like Rap, Rnb and Hip Hop. Sometimes Reggea and Gospel
Mannah 2013/07/31 11:27
Kul music.
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