feelings by ch3at3r07 2013/07/27 05:12
grls r gud t0 hide there feelings:)

b0ys r g0od to fake there feelings:(
Aita 2013/07/27 08:46
Not always /smiley
Trax 2013/07/28 04:22
Quote: MaryGold: Not always /smiley
/smiley tru...
theY hide when gals do so...!

Trax 2013/07/28 04:22
Quote: khat_19: grls r gud t0 hide there feelings/smiley

b0ys r g0od to fake there feelings/smiley
/smiley wronG....!!!!

The_Torpid 2013/07/29 16:27
.duh. /smiley
____THe.bosS 2013/08/01 01:46
Quote: khat_19: grls r gud t0 hide there feelings/smiley

b0ys r g0od to fake there feelings/smiley
boy's know 1000 ways to lie but girls know 1000000 way to detect lies

The_Torpid 2013/08/02 05:27
Fake....???? -q- :-/
shams 2013/08/02 21:09
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/23 08:50
Smarty 2015/09/25 13:28
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