most active by InternetLord 2013/07/25 16:00
I think the most active 2wap user is Ragnorak he is very busy putting the site together and making sure that everybody is comfortable,he friendly to other users and humble,he makes sure that the new and old users are comfortable,if I must say he is a noble man. -smile-
jaQui 2013/07/25 16:13
He rocks.rocker.
Dashman 2013/07/25 16:15
_rOcK_ 2013/07/26 22:06
He is the one behind major & fantastic updates here.../smiley
To sum up...he is great personality

MATHEW2 2013/07/27 07:29
MATHEW2 2013/07/27 07:30
Quote: Dashman: Hmmm....

Aita 2013/07/27 08:50
/smiley He is the Real GENTLEMAN OF 2WAP. /smiley
Hareesh 2013/07/31 15:50
King of 2wapworld. . .
He is so nice nd friendly person. . . . .

Hareesh 2013/08/11 04:07
2wap rocks. . . . . .
femzy 2013/09/05 03:04
he will never let go
nancylious 2013/09/05 15:33
yea he is doing a great job nd i say big tanx to him nd to u poseidon for the information
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