2wap members and staff by Kumz 2013/07/23 07:41
Members- The backbone of the site, without whom the site would be useless. Old members, new ones, the ones who keep coming back after years of absence... They all matter.

Staff- Appointed by owner/administrator of the site to help other members and keep the site clean and tidy. In other words, they're here to serve the users of the site.

Staff-user relationship- It seems that most users are not too happy with a handful of staff here. The same few staff are being pointed the finger at by many users. Either for their lack of efficiency or friendliness. And certain staff happen to use their tools for the wrong reasons or are not aware of what they're supposed to do. Moving topics to wrong forums, closing topics for all the wrong reasons,etc. And then there are fantastic staff! Who are very friendly and ever so willing to help us. However... There are such few of them around here... As some others have been removed from staff list for petty matters and the other good 'fellas' don't even want to be on staff!

Perhaps ... Since this is an international, multi cultural site, we need staff who are more fluent in English. Watch out for my next topic to find out why!
Kumz 2013/07/23 08:43
Why Grammar?
Dashman 2013/07/23 09:28
What u believe for inter staff communication n relationship???? How u handle mod. Team as admin???
Kumz 2013/07/23 09:32
Quote: Dashman: What u believe for inter staff communication n relationship???? How u handle mod. Team as admin???
I honestly don't even want to think that far about it, Dashy. Even this I only wrote because it's a Big Brother task. If not I wouldn't bother talking abt staff. It's like pouring water on a duck's back.

Dashman 2013/07/23 13:50
Quote: Kumz: I honestly don't even want to think that far about it, Dashy. Even this I only wrote because it's a Big Brother task. If not I wouldn't bother talking abt staff. It's like pouring water on a duck's back.
honestly ... I also like to know only... what yr view for mod. As unit???

Kumz 2013/07/23 13:55
Quote: Dashman: honestly ... I also like to know only... what yr view for mod. As unit???
well... Majority of them do what they do to please the admins. And you rightfully call them puppets. /smiley The few who do what's right for the site and members are left in the shadow because the "puppets" take all the admins attention. So... I don't really see any genuine unity in the team.

Dashman 2013/07/23 14:05
Can I ask more question u.... BC I lk to more explore u here ... buddy
Kumz 2013/07/23 14:20
Quote: Dashman: Can I ask more question u.... BC I lk to more explore u here ... buddy
sure Dashy...

Dashman 2013/07/23 14:25
Quote: Kumz: sure Dashy...
thanks mam... R u know technocrats?? E.g. Eeprom..... how u handle them?? By tools or negotiated with them???

Kumz 2013/07/23 14:29
Quote: Dashman: thanks mam... R u know technocrats?? E.g. Eeprom..... how u handle them?? By tools or negotiated with them???
by being their friend of course!!! I know I too can be a pain to some staff at times. And I also know a couple of staff who have managed to win my respect after some time. Such as saahir and Amorian.

Dashman 2013/07/23 14:35
Quote: Kumz: by being their friend of course!!! I know I too can be a pain to some staff at times. And I also know a couple of staff who have managed to win my respect after some time. Such as saahir and Amorian.
+karma for u but I not give my vote to you .bpeace. I m really adore u as buddy n 2wap user..... best luck for competition.... *rose* for my gf. (Good friend)

Kumz 2013/07/23 15:03
Quote: Dashman: +karma for u but I not give my vote to you .bpeace. I m really adore u as buddy n 2wap user..... best luck for competition.... *rose* for my gf. (Good friend)
lol! Thanks bud! /smiley

Hareesh 2013/07/31 15:58
Its a beautiful. . . .explain
internetl0rd 2013/08/03 16:04
Quote: Jacki.:
Im staff again so behave
welcome back sis

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/08/03 19:50
Iam not a staff yet so i can't say anything!!!/smiley
Kayli 2013/08/04 23:07
If all ppl just want 2 respect each otha. Thn we half way through. But 2 write nasty comments in topics. We wont go 4ward. Wht is so hard 2 b just friendly. An stop th nasty remarks. An stop hurting ppl ere with rude comments.
Etim2 2013/08/13 17:26
go on bro
yemadep 2013/08/14 12:57
you said it correctly.
Wizen_boy 2013/08/21 18:24
How long does it take me to become a staff
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