*My OnlY LovE* by _SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/20 03:48
Just to say I Love You..
Never seems enough
I've said it so many times
I am afraid you won't understand
What I really mean when I say it
How much feelings,how much adoration possibly fit
Into those three little words.
But until I find some other way of saying of saying what I feel ..
Then"I Love You"will have to do,
So,no matter how many times I say
Never take it lightly,for you are my life...and my only love.
I love you now more than ever before... .inlove. -dance2-
little_mermaid 2013/07/21 05:52
Quote: _SnOwBoY_: Just to say I Love You..
Never seems enough
I've said it so many times
I am afraid you won't understand
What I really mean when I say it
How much feelings,how much adoration possibly fit
Into those three little words.
But until I find some other way of saying of saying what I feel ..
Then"I Love You"will have to do,
So,no matter how many times I say
Never take it lightly,for you are my life...and my only love.
I love you now more than ever before... /smiley /smiley

for whom? :-/

mk_alyana 2013/07/21 06:21
great words for your love ones
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/21 07:43
I think She already got it? /smiley
Quote: Cookies: for whom? :-/

Hareesh 2013/07/21 08:23
hemm sweat lines bro
little_mermaid 2013/07/21 11:36
Quote: _SnOwBoY_: I think She already got it? /smiley

for me? /smiley

GhAyAl 2013/07/21 13:12
Plz dnt cry... its nice
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.