Love is unconditional by
Tochi Prudence 2013/07/20 00:00
Love is unconditional
Tochi Prudence 2013/07/20 00:17
Some pple luv bcos of beauty & material tins dt's condtnal luv bt whn its uncondtnal luv u luv d person wtout no reason
Xiao Zen 2013/07/20 01:57
"Unconditional love" eh? Its a nice enough ideal, pity it doesn't exist. There are always conditions, be they base and superficial or more higher-minded. Certain conditions are just more obvious than others ...
Hareesh 2013/07/20 15:42
Excatly touchi. . . . .
nazeer 2015/01/29 13:41
wel it should be, bt unfortunatly it happens very rarely. in most f cases its lust, sex bt not LOVE.
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