wer ur heart belongs by Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/07/19 14:35
Isnt lyf so unfair? U turn out to l0ve s0me1 who c0uld
n0t l0ve u just d same..but still u c0ntinue l0ving c0z u
h0pe things will end up fine..but it w0uldnt..u cry..u
feel bad and u end up br0ken..u wanna hurt that
pers0n but u hurt m0re and s0 much bitter..still dat
pers0n d0esnt care..y dis l0ve exist?! To make us happy 4 a minute? Or 2 hurt us 4 d rest of d day?!
Funny it is 2 realize dat b4 it all ends..u will find urself
thinking dat u still wanna return 2 wh0m ur heart
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/19 14:40
Rest of d day?
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/19 14:46
.i like heart
Aita 2013/07/19 15:22
The Supreme happiness of life is the conviction that WE ARE LOVED
Hareesh 2013/07/20 04:38
9ice. . . .post. . .
Lelsi 2019/05/21 23:34
It's a paradox , we always want something we can't have and in the meantime we don't see that everything we ever wanted is in front of our eyes...
harsh 2019/08/13 11:34
hmm....yaa lit u ryt say...
saahir 2019/08/17 19:43
Quote: Lelsi: It's a paradox , we always want something we can't have and in the meantime we don't see that everything we ever wanted is in front of our eyes...

That's because we try to catch what is beyond our approach.

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