Liam needs a beer by PoccNN_AbRB0ra 2013/07/18 19:39
-drunk- surely hes a human hes. Keeping busy being etc .... But now uk is "scorchio" ragnoraks maybe A little hot.....l

.so now liam i reccommend you and
emmlee go get ratarsed
PoccNN_AbRB0ra 2013/07/18 19:41
shhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh very important ! Erm stay safe /smiley
Shaev7 2013/07/18 19:42
Hmm, I think I can't decypher this gist but I can only see that someone is in love here.
NinthElement 2013/07/20 14:40
Thanks, actually this weather makes me want to drink more and more water but I also like a bit of wine late at night .cheers.
Rebellion 2013/07/20 20:05
Hunter beer
PoccNN_AbRB0ra 2013/07/21 00:54
i think liam should treat himself to 4 carlsberg special brew then come online and boss his staffs some /smiley
Hareesh 2013/08/10 06:36
U carry n
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