MFLOW 2013/07/16 16:14
1 When a Boy says Sorry even though He didn't do
2 When a Boy cries because he still Loves you or misses
3 When a Boy still tries to get you Back.
4 When a Boy no matter how much you hurt him still
Loves you.
5 When a Boy stops his Argument with his Girl to save
his Relationship
6 When a Boy continuously makes U feel special & Tries
to make U Happy
7 When a Boy is Upset but doesn't tell you as He thinks
He is annoying you
8 When a Boy wants to Leave you, because of your
Rude behaviour, but He is
Not able to do.
Girls! Don't lose such a boy because such boys are hard
to find
InternetLord 2013/07/17 01:10
Guys with those qualities are rare to find
mk_alyana 2013/07/17 06:27
he is a diamond that hard to loose,, that kind of a man must to give love ,care and respect
Hareesh 2013/07/20 15:56
I think. . . . . ,
SE-RYUN 2013/07/27 04:40
owh mhy,..shykiss. i am so lucky if i meet someone just like that..
Georginia 2013/07/27 07:28
I just hope i love him back in return.
RiC_L 2014/07/24 18:37
Great excellent
Girls always like bad boys why they are not understood good or bad
Ooosaravalli 2014/07/25 07:27
oh my god, so to love any girl i have to do all this stupid things...ah then iam happy that iam still single....
m3r1kach1 2014/07/26 07:50
true. . . . I f0und s0me0ne who is like that.
adamjr 2014/07/26 09:30
OK. But would a guy or a girl lose he faith in God? That's something to think about.
CHIPPY 2016/05/05 08:31
Must first find a boy
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