Who the Hell Are You? by Mahesh 2013/07/15 14:55
Do you get scared when you look in the mirror in the morning to find a strange face staring back at you, only to realize that it is you? -hehe-
Kumz 2013/07/15 15:17
Err... No... Do you?? Maybe you've got amnesia... Lol!
InternetLord 2013/07/15 15:49
Not really.
Eleto 2013/07/15 15:55
Unless i drank the previous night. /smiley
fu9it1v3 2013/07/16 00:52
Eh, thankfully no, never. I'm scary indeed, specially in the morning, but never THAT scary that I scare myself out /smiley
Hareesh 2013/07/16 01:02
No. . . . .but. . . . . .u
Dashman 2013/07/16 03:58
Mirror scared from my beauty
ACIDized 2013/07/16 05:13
Why should one get scared when looking at himself in mirror?
Georginia 2013/07/16 06:04
No m not scared.
Pablee 2013/07/16 06:16
Urhm no /smiley
Manal 2013/07/16 06:49
thats only u/smiley
MATHEW2 2013/07/16 06:54
Not realy
PS2 2013/07/16 07:57
Only girls without make up /smiley
Kayli 2013/07/16 08:35
Alot /smiley -lookatme-
jaQui 2013/07/16 11:18
Quote: Eeprom: no reflection /smiley

jaQui 2013/07/16 11:20
Quote: Eeprom: no reflection /smiley

Boet 2014/07/17 21:19
only when I've been in the sun too long /smiley
N-BI 2014/07/18 16:47
Unless i got night mare
jaQui 2016/01/29 21:21
Yip! The mirror cracked/smiley

Whally 2016/01/30 11:02
when am nt drunk nah!
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