superman! by
latrine 2013/07/11 09:19
The new man of steel looks good , but they couldv chosen a more sexier lois lane ....
latrine 2013/07/11 09:21
The fact that his not wearing his underpants on the outside is also a good thing-movie wasn't bad -just lacked that extra bit of ooomph!
ACIDized 2013/07/11 16:42
For me it was better than previous superman movies. I don't know what you mean by extra ooomph? But Lois Lane needed to be better.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/07/12 03:35
It was a great watch in 3D.Quote:
ACIDized: For me it was better than previous superman movies. I don't know what you mean by extra ooomph? But Lois Lane needed to be better.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/07/12 03:36
I found Lois lane to be too boring.
SAFDAR 2013/10/01 02:03
wow soooper
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