Nothing possible by Georginia 2013/07/10 05:47
Start ur day in the name of God. Do the work with the help of God. Finish the work with thanks to God becos without nothing is possible.
Hav a bless day.
_vIsHaL_ 2013/07/10 08:12
then wat will happen ? /smiley
Dashman 2013/07/10 09:41
I not get u... what u mean?? Buddy
integrity-daolyboy 2013/07/10 10:24
Yea. God Grace
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/10 19:15
NothinG is possible for GOD /smiley
Simple0351 2013/07/10 20:38
Get it rite.... I.e. Without God, nothing is possible. Itz jst a mix up
Hareesh 2013/07/13 08:42
Quote: Georginia: Start ur day in the name of God. Do the work with the help of God. Finish the work with thanks to God becos without nothing is possible.
Hav a bless day.

so sweat nd so 9ice

Georginia 2013/07/13 12:18
Without God nothing possible..
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/03 06:37
Ya God is G8...
Stacy24 2014/07/04 15:47
Anything is possible for you, when you put your faith in God /smiley
BabyDolphin 2014/07/04 20:07
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