ADHD-Task 2 by
Kumz 2013/07/09 19:47
I've chosen to write about Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ADHD, mainly because I've come across a few children with it and I wish to let everyone know that they really need to be understood. They need special care and should never be outcasted.
Kumz 2013/07/09 19:59
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by
significant difficulties either of inattention or
hyperactivity and impulsiveness or a
combination of the two.
The symptoms usually begin to show before the age of six or seven. ADHD has been diagnosed in
about 2 to 16 percent of school-aged children and two to
four times more frequently in boys than in
Inattention, hyperactivity, disruptive behavior
and impulsivity. Academic difficulties are also frequent.
Kumz 2013/07/09 20:00
ADHD management usually involves some
combination of medications, behavior
therapy , lifestyle changes, and counseling.
Medications are only recommended as a
first-line treatment option in children who
have severe symptoms.
Kumz 2013/07/09 20:08
As a teacher, when I realise that ive a student with ADHD, I know I need to adjust myself to a certain level. The child needs special attention, but not so much so that he tries to take the upper hand.
I've learned that a hug and some loving words can work wonders on an ADHD child.
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