**I have Learned*** by BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/08 20:21
I Learned SomeThing : You are What you think You are ... If You think you are a Lozer , then probably You are One !!!* Posetive minds Attracts posetive things** I would like everybody in this world to become a winner in everything they do !! (If its in a good way ,that make this world come alive :-)

InternetLord 2013/07/08 20:22
Yeah always think big
Fremder_Aryan 2013/07/08 21:18
well topic...,
little_mermaid 2013/07/08 22:17
Dont think you are a loser /smiley
sharathkumargn 2013/07/09 02:50
Good One
Dashman 2013/07/09 04:33
I m loser.. winner nd as well as strugglers... live life as moment nd I never miss moment
ACIDized 2013/07/09 09:29
So if I think I'm a (hero). Would I be One? Although I've Asperger syndrome?
Georginia 2013/07/09 10:53
Great lines.
jaQui 2013/07/09 11:03
True, i agree
integrity-daolyboy 2013/07/09 13:05
Life on d +ve bt dnt 4get lesons of d -ve
Kakaji 2013/07/09 14:51
BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/09 16:24
Quote: ACIDized: So if I think I'm a (hero). Would I be One? Although I've Asperger syndrome?
Lmao ,, You can be a super hero in you own world, like doing good that already makes you one , aint it so !?

BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/09 16:26
Quote: Dashman: I m loser.. winner nd as well as strugglers... live life as moment nd I never miss moment
well we lose some to get some dash !? So that makes us a winner already !! Struggles makes us stronger /smiley

Dashman 2013/07/09 16:34
Quote: BeLLaDOnnA: well we lose some to get some dash !? So that makes us a winner already !! Struggles makes us stronger /smiley
miss dona.... strugglers HV not any respect from society .... society only respect successful prsn

ACIDized 2013/07/09 16:42
Quote: BeLLaDOnnA: Lmao ,, You can be a super hero in you own world, like doing good that already makes you one , aint it so !?

Well Wait! So I become what I think or I have to do what I think I thought to become, so that I'm really what I thought I'm?

GhAyAl 2013/07/09 17:03
Du u reali think dz?
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/10 03:43
Yes! Always Think i m Super hero! [snowboy]
BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/12 09:34
Quote: GhAyAl: Du u reali think dz?

BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/12 09:36
Quote: Dashman: miss dona.... strugglers HV not any respect from society .... society only respect successful prsn
Dash You negativity makes a positive impact on 2wap !! That's for sure lol

Dashman 2013/07/12 09:39
Quote: BeLLaDOnnA: Dash You negativity makes a positive impact on 2wap !! That's for sure lol
I m liar... I not believe in negative or positive... Nd on 2wap I get more joy n love then any other user .. sexy Bella

BeLLaDOnnA 2013/07/12 09:42
Quote: Dashman: I m liar... I not believe in negative or positive... Nd on 2wap I get more joy n love then any other user .. sexy Bella
That's positive dash haha

Replies: 32

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