What's age of _SonIcGirL_? by
saahir 2013/07/08 13:46
Sonic's huby: Darling, here is your birthday gift. I've bought for you whole range of cosmatics .
After five hours applying the various creams & potions she asked him. "Tell me honestly, darling, what age do you think I look?"
He said: From hair you look 15. Fom your skin-16 and from you figure you look 18.
"Oh, you flatterer," she gushed
"Wait a minute." He turned to her, and said.
"I've not added them up yet."
Eleto 2013/07/08 14:00
49? Lmao
jaQui 2013/07/08 14:06
Sweet sixteen and never missed a kiss,,,
Sonu009 2013/07/08 14:19
ha ha ha .lol. nice one
Dashman 2013/07/08 14:20
Child marriage act apply on her???? .bpeace.
Fantasy 2013/07/08 16:22
very funny ...
saahir 2013/07/08 16:53
Kakaji 94. -haha1-
Kakaji 2013/07/08 17:10
Kakaji 94. -haha1-
mk_alyana 2013/07/09 21:13
-lens- sweet 16 -lmao1-
Robin 2013/07/11 01:44
1250 .lol.
Tinky 2013/07/11 13:52
The_Torpid 2013/07/12 14:16
Call the Ambulance........ .sos. -doctor-
Replies: 33
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