Making or breaking a person by
NinthElement 2013/07/08 12:04
For most of us, the only or greatest way we will ever significantly affect another person's positive or negative development is when we become parents. Although our children will have their own personalities and make their own decisions, the way we care for them as a father or mother will have a great influence on their ethics, habits, emotional and physical wellbeing and attitudes to life, and thus the kind of man or woman they become (the question of nature vs nurture is one philosophers and psychologists have wrestled with for centuries). So, here I will list 5 positive influences you can have on your children to make them a better adult and 5 negative influences to avoid.
1. Don't let your child wait for their school years to begin receiving their education. Parents have a role to play in being their child's first teacher, so begin instructing them frequently on basic reading, writing, language and maths skills at an early stage. Read bedtime stories with them and take any opportunity to point out the meaning of words and numbers, and when they master your national language then that would be a great time to introduce them to a second language you think they'd like to know.
2. Teach your child what is right or wrong and a sense of honour in a loving way. Explain to them the true or implied consequences of their actions when they do something wrong, rather than use false or unrelated consequences such as punishments which will only teach them that might is right. It is fine however to reward a child for something good they do, as young children need constant encouragement.
3. Warn your children about the vices they may encounter or be tempted by as adults. Many parents prefer to hide such things from their children in order to protect their innocence as long as possible, and then try to give the inevitable necessary advice too late when their child reaches the rebellious teenage stage. It is better to allow a child's innocent mind to process the information (which you can and should sugarcoat for them) because in this way they will take it to heart.
4. Keep your child fit. Physical activity is a great habit to encourage from an early age, as it will become a way of life for them as they grow up. Introduce them to sports when they are old enough and see which they take an interest in, then lovingly encourage and support them and who knows, maybe you could even be nurturing a future champion!
5. Give them unconditional love. The last point remains true when your child is an adult and builds on the foundations made in the previous points. Before and after they grow up, they are going to experience their share of mistakes and failures however well you prepare them. These are life's lessons, and with a loving parent for support and to confide in they will be that much easier to bear.
1. Hitting your children - doing so will teach them that might is right and make them more inclined to use violence to solve their problems, or worse simply to express their frustrations.
2. Having unhealthy habits or vices of your own - because your children will surely copy them.
3. Not giving them enough care or attention - leave your children unwatched or unguided and they will be led astray.
4. Making your children fat - an ever-growning number of kids are obese, and this is down to parents providing unhealthy foods.
5. Fighting with your co-parent - when you do this all your child will know is conflict.
Lost_SouL 2013/07/08 12:08
You will be a great dad!
Well done, excellent work... I think is the best until now!
Aita 2013/07/11 23:56
Great topic with very true words.
saahir 2013/07/15 15:39
Excellent work Liam.
MATHEW2 2013/07/16 06:52
Very intresting
Trax 2013/07/17 11:37
exelent n gr8 topic..!
Trax 2013/07/17 11:40
Hareesh 2013/07/31 16:07
Gud. . . . .job. . . . .bro
supr topic. . . . .
Hareesh 2013/08/11 04:02
Excellent. . . . .work bro. . .
Kp t up
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