Destroy a man or making him a better person? by
Lost_SouL 2013/07/08 09:35
From the beginning, let's remember what a human being means...A human being is a superior being, he is intelligent (he can think and can take decisions regarding what is good for him), he also can talk and he has a very developed brain... A human can choose if he will make other human a better one, or will choose to destroy him...Nowadays hatred in people's hearts for other people increases consideably...They choose often to destroy someone instead of trying to make someone a better person. Because it is known, doing something bad it's easy, but doing something good needs a good soul, serene mind, concentration and devotedness (and people seem to lose those virtues with time)... I never tried to destroy a man and I never will, I am not hypocrite either to say that I helped too many humans in my life, but at least if I can't help them, I don't destroy them either...Is like, you see a man sitting on a rock, you can't helping him getting up from there because you don't have strength, but instead of giving him a chance of getting up by himself, you push him in the edge...Now I will use my imagination to say 5 ways how I will destroy a man and how I can make him a better one.
Five ways to make someone a better person (I'll use reverse psychology, what I'll do, I expect him/her do the same....)
1- I'll always forgive his/her mistakes, I'll be there when him/she needs me...(this will make someone to forgive others mistakes too)
2- I'll avoid "toxic" people and in that way I'll teach him/her that people filled with negative energy aren't good for company plus he/she will learn that having negative energy is bad...
3- I will not be agree if she/he will smoke or drink and I'll try to make him/her to quit if he/she has a vice of any other kind...
4- I'll make him/her to strengthen his/her faith or build one if he/she doesn't has one yet...
5- I'll provide him/her selfless help when is need to, without waiting to be asked, in that way he/she will realise that in future is good to provide people help if is necessary.
Five ways to destroy a man..
1- I'll kidnapp him and I'll torture him until he will say its darkest secrets.
2- I will release him and I will blackmail him (with his darkest secrets) and make sure he won't tell to police what I did to him...evil.
3- I will ask him a "fee" evey month for keeping his darkest secrets...
4- I'll make sure to threat that I harm his family if he do something stupid...
5- I'll make him my private slave and everytime I need help, he must give it to me...
(P.S. Eveything was just my crazy imagination, I think I've seen too many horror movies, so I am sorry guys if I was too harsh with my imagination...-sarcastic- )
NinthElement 2013/07/08 12:38
I like this, the first half is wise advice and the second funny and inventive
Hareesh 2013/07/09 01:34
Its a gud advise. . .
KingFISHER 2013/07/09 02:26
do positive something if you can otherwise stay away instead of do something bad.
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