Beauty Matters by sharathkumargn 2013/07/07 01:21
From cosmetics to fad diets, we try everything to keep ourselves looking our best. But what are we really doing, and why? Does beauty really matter? can it be acquired and retained? or, are we just fighting the inevitable?
InternetLord 2013/07/07 13:49
Beauty doesn't matter...but its good to look cute /smiley
Male1974 2013/07/08 04:08
I think natural beauty is the best look.
Georginia 2013/07/08 21:43
I like to look beautiful n cute :p
sharathkumargn 2013/07/11 07:09
Me too
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/18 18:46
I like BeauTy /smiley
Tlight 2013/07/21 11:37
Lukin gud shld b one of our plenty priorities cos its rili nice to luk good
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/16 08:00
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