Pain Abdomen in children by Georginia 2013/07/05 14:25
*Abdominal pain is common presenting cimplain in any OPD.
*Most common cause of abdominal pain is organic in children less than 2yrs.
*Most common cause of abdominal pain in children more than 2yrs is functional. But functional diagnosis has to b by the process of exclusion.
* Detailed history taking is recommended with duration of symptoms, intensity of pain etc.
*Common causes of pain abdomen include parasitic infestation, acute intussusception, acute appendicitis, acute intestinal obstruction,peptic ulcer, gastro intestinal allergy, ameobic liver abcess,acute pancreatitis, urinary tract infection, urolithiasis,abdominal epilepsy rtc.
*Routine examination are a must in every case.
*Selected n specific investigation include abdominal n pelvic ultrasound, intravenous pyelogram, upper GI studies( barium studies),endoscopy, biochemical test etc.
*Empiric therapy is not recomended in most of the cases of pain abdomen.
*Management in most cases has to be planned on individual basis.
Abdominal pain is a diagnosis easily made but cause is usually missed. So a clunician has to make a list of probable causes.
By history, general examination, routine as well as selacted investigations, one has to rule out the probable causes n concentrate on short listed ones. Again one should rule out the gravest causes in the differential diagnosis.
Empiric therapy is not recommended in most cases of pain abdomen. However, balanced, palatable n nutritious diet is recommended.
Ofcourse the management has to be specific, depending upon the cause of painabdomen.
jeevan_sai 2013/07/06 14:03
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