Abuser _EdGE_ :@ by
Trax 2013/07/01 14:37
-hi- everyone m here to say u dat one user.. (now a mod) abuse me at facebook....
his name iz _EdGE_ ...
itz so shameful dat here's hez a respecting mod nd in real life hez too cruel nd very bad abuser...
so...,plzzz mentioned dat topic nd spcially ragnorak who make _EdGE_ a 'moderator' .......
t.c about dis and remove edge to da post of moderator..!!!!!! :-( -sad-
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/01 14:42
Uhmmmm!! nocomment about Staff!! (yes)
Dashman 2013/07/01 14:42
I think we have not concern about. Facebook stuff
If he doing wrong here .. anyway it is not my look out .admin issue
Trax 2013/07/01 14:46
outlaw: Why did he abuse you? Was it a 2wap related?
no..,itz bout family..!
Trax 2013/07/01 14:47
Dashman: I think we have not concern about. Facebook stuff
If he doing wrong here .. anyway it is not my look out .admin issue
Trax 2013/07/01 14:47
Dashman: I think we have not concern about. Facebook stuff
If he doing wrong here .. anyway it is not my look out .admin issue
____THe.bosS 2013/07/01 14:48
Yea I saw his abusive posts on facebook many times.... But its not a big deal.... He is a good mod . he's not abusing here to anyone he's doing his work good.... That's ok and I don't think rag will remove him for just that.... In my way its ok
Trax 2013/07/01 14:48
_SnOwBoY_: Uhmmmm!! nocomment about Staff!! (yes)
ohhhh why...?
Trax 2013/07/01 14:48
____THe.bosS: Yea I saw his abusive posts on facebook many times.... But its not a big deal.... He is a good mod . he's not abusing here to anyone he's doing his work good.... That's ok and I don't think rag will remove him for just that.... In my way its ok
no, hrz also bad in real life...!
Trax 2013/07/01 14:49
yay... i know ..
____THe.bosS 2013/07/01 14:49
Trax: no, hrz also bad in real life...!
you know him in real?
_EdGE_ 2013/07/01 14:50
____THe.bosS: Yea I saw his abusive posts on facebook many times.... But its not a big deal.... He is a good mod . he's not abusing here to anyone he's doing his work good.... That's ok and I don't think rag will remove him for just that.... In my way its ok
can u mention some of them bro!??
Trax 2013/07/01 14:51
_EdGE_: can u mention some of them bro!??
yeah.. the whe many...!
Trax 2013/07/01 14:53
outlaw: He's not breaking any 2wap rule by being bad in real life.
yup hez breaked rule by abusing memberz...
i 've also reported his p.m to staff whn he was new to 2wap... he also gotta ban dat tym..!
Trax 2013/07/01 14:57
hez my clasmat nd he also abuse otherz @ clas..!
_EdGE_ 2013/07/01 15:02
Trax: yay... i know ..
thats good
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