I search for you... by
Lost_SouL 2013/06/28 20:15
Te caut in noapte, in obscuritatea ei...Stelele si luna imi sunt martore si imi lumineaza drumul catre tine, dar simt ca nu izbutesc sa te gasesc, cautarea mea este in zadar, nici urma de tine... Calc pe urma pasilor tai, dar pasii nu duc nicaieri, in loc sa ma aduca la tine, mai mult ma departeaza. De ce toate astea? De ce nu te gasesc, desi amprenta ta este adanc in sufletul meu? Incerc sa-mi amintesc vocea ta, sa ma ghidez dupa sunet, dar ecoul vocii tale se aude tot mai indepartat de mine... Te caut in vise crezand ca esti ireal, doar nascocirea mintii mele tulburate de nelinistea ce-mi macina sufletul. Dar nu te gasesc nici in vise, visele-mi sunt reci si ele ca un sloi de gheata, nici urma de tine... De ce? Nu este ciudat? Nu te gasesc nici in realitate, nici in vis, atunci unde sa te caut? Te-ai pierdut in neant sau doar te-ai pierdut de mine? Vrei sa fii regasit sau iti place drumul uitarii pe care l-ai ales, stergandu-ti orice urma care duce spre tine? Eu te caut... .uff.
Lost_SouL 2013/06/28 21:09
I search you in the night...in the night's obscurity...The stars and Moon are witnesses and shine my way to reach you...But I failed...I feel I cannot find you, my research is in vain..
I can't see you anywhere...I follow your steps, but following them, leads me to ...nowhere...Instead to reach you...they push me away even more...Why I cannot find you, if your mark is deep in my soul? I try to remember your voice...to guide myself by the sound, but the echo of your voice it is heard so far away...I look for you even in dreams...as I started to think you're not real... figments of my mind troubled by anxiety that grinds my soul...But I cannot find you neither in dreams....and dreams are cold... like a floe and no trace of you...Why? Isn't weird? I cannot find you neither in reality,.. neither in dreams....then where should I search ?Are you lost in nothingness or you just are lost special for hiding yourself from me?
Do you want to find you or you like this "road" you have chosen of forgetting, erased all traces that leads to you...But I keep looking for you....(English Translation for curious people)
NinthElement 2013/06/29 21:06
Truly touching and beautifully written. I imagine so many people can relate to these words.
Lost_SouL 2013/06/29 21:25
Ragnorak: Truly touching and beautifully written. I imagine so many people can relate to these words.
Thank you, my sweetheart...Yes, this is the idea when I write soamething....that people can find themselves in my words...
GhAyAl 2013/07/02 16:57
Try in day time
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