stop being selfish by InternetLord 2013/06/28 15:38
*Try to develop empathy for other people
and living creatures. Allow yourself to
imagine how they feel, what hurts them or
makes them happy. Open your heart.

*Look for ways to help; anticipate the
needs and feelings of others . Join others
who are kind and reciprocate kindness. Being
with other selfish people, will not help you
become a better person. We are very much
defined by the company we keep.
Listen. There is a big difference between
perceiving something, and actually consciously
listening to what people have to say. Act as if
you see the problem by being in his or her own

*Don't interrupt people. Let them finish their
sentence. Remember that your points can
always wait. If it's urgent (like if you have to
leave) say "excuse me".

*Put the needs of other people before
your own . Pay attention to the people in your
life to find out what those needs are.

*Think about the other person's
personality . When choosing gifts or cards,
buy something that reflects the personality of
the other person. Don't just buy something
because it's convenient.

*Remember birthdays. Someone's feelings
are bound to be hurt if you happen to forget
their special day. Fortunately, you can always
make it up to them if you forget.

*Keep in touch with your friends, family
and relatives.

Be honest and loyal.

*Consider the advice people in your life
give you . Take it if it makes sense.
If you have to ask someone for a favor,
offer to do something for them in return.

*Compliment other people. Don't just go on
about how great you are.

*Make sure to be considerate and include
everyone you know and like when
inviting people to parties and events . No
one likes to be left out.

*Don't butt in front of people in line. Also,
if you see someone in a walker or a wheelchair,
slow down or help them instead of just cutting
in front of them.

*Be on time. If at all possible, call if you know
you are going to be late.

*Give your time or kindness to others that
need it . Random acts of kindness also make
you feel satisfied.

*Do not take things people say or do so
personally .

KingFISHER 2013/06/29 00:00
Try to be a good person.
_YINka_ 2013/06/29 10:40
-happy- U may be a gud person person but at times which does'nt knw how to do right things.
I think being caring, God fearing will get u a right or gud attitude will let u understand how to do a right things at the right time.

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 16:07
try to be good....
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