Santa was travelling:D by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/06/27 11:23
Once, Santa was travelling in a train with his wife and son.
He had the lower berth, his wife had the middle one and his son had the upper berth.
At one of the stations, his son asked him to get him some snacks from the platform outside.
They got down, had the snacks. When they returned to the compartment, they saw a man sleeping on the upper
berth (which was of his son), while his wife on themiddle one.
Santa got angry and asked the man to get down, but he refused.
Santa called the T.T., but since the T.T. was a tamilian, he could not understand
The T.T. asked Santa to explain the scene in english.
On this Santa replied...
"...The man sleeping over my wife
is not giving
'berth' to my child...!"
Fantasy 2013/06/27 11:25
/smiley ...
Trax 2013/06/27 11:28
/smiley gr8 one -goodpost-
heard dis typ of awesum joke 1st tym.....!

_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/27 11:30
Hahaha lolx /smiley
Bigbrother 2013/06/27 11:46
Kakaji 2013/06/27 11:47
/smiley :/
khat 2013/06/27 12:01
LOL hahaha
_Sid_ 2013/06/27 12:09
Rest in peace English-hahaha-
ALASTAR 2013/12/07 17:14
Georginia 2013/12/15 09:20
.lol. .hehehe.
Raks~RoCks 2013/12/25 15:29
lol ha ha
/smiley /smiley

S-ALI.RAZA 2013/12/28 06:52
Ha ha ha (lol)
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/27 17:32
krack 2018/07/01 02:11
Hahahahahha Hahahahahhaha Hahahahahahhaha Hahhahaahaha
zugzwang 2019/05/07 11:06
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