brain teaser by InternetLord 2013/06/22 20:11
A man worked for a high-security
institution, and one day he went
in to work only to find that he
could not log in to his computer
terminal. His password wouldn't
work. Then he remembered that
the passwords are reset every
month for security purposes. So
he went to his boss and they had
this conversation:
Man-"Hey boss, my password is
out of date."
Boss-"Yes, that's right. The
password is different, but if you
listen carefully you should be able
to figure out the new one: It has
the same amount of letters as
your old password, but only four
of the letters are the same."
Man: "Thanks boss."
With that, he went and correctly
logged into his station.
What was the old password and
the new one?
NinthElement 2013/06/22 20:38
The man says his password is "out of date", and the boss says his password is "different"... Both have the same number of letters, and 4 letters are the same not counting duplicate letters. /smiley Am I getting warm?
The_Torpid 2013/06/22 22:24
Difficult,I think. /smiley
Mahesh 2013/06/23 01:26
I agree with Liam.../smiley Lol, his old password was "out of date" and the new one is "different".... Nice riddle..
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/06/23 02:16
the answer is out/smiley
Manal 2013/06/23 02:22
The old password is out of date
The new one is different

Hareesh 2013/06/23 06:07
Out of syllabus. . . . .
LoneLy_heArt 2013/08/24 02:57
dont know ..thinking.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/28 06:56
Out of syllabus. . . . .
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