Staff tricks 2 by
Hareesh 2013/06/22 07:17
here some 1 destroyed my tool box. . . .coz
the resion is about my first topic. . .
I know
Here some staff member's always supportings on his best friends . . . .
I think 2wapworld now in last stage
Here also play poltics
I request to another staff please remove that kind of persons here. . . .
Iam askng to @gumslone and
@ rangok
please save our 2wapworld site
if you have heart
ok. . . . .
I love this site
what is this
why closed my topics again nd again. . . .
If in my topic flood is increasing
then will remove that comments and deduct the pulses ok
I said please
Dont break your
and dont play poltics . . . .
Plz plz plz
ok. . . . .(tnx)
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/06/22 07:24
Let me just make things clear here.
1. We will not tolerate absement in any form, accusations which have no proof.
2. If you dont have any answers to my questions in your inbox, dont expect me to open your topic.
3. Your last topic has the reason written clearly.
This topic is closed.
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