An eye opener by missu 2013/06/21 16:50
Akhilesh Kumar Singh,Deputy collector of Patna was arrested on charge of raping his 14years old daughter.WHERE IS
missu 2013/06/21 16:53
Hareesh 2013/06/22 02:32
Dnt knw abt that incident. . . .
Someone 2013/06/22 06:00
Provide the correct(full) source link of this news.
missu 2013/06/22 06:33
Someone 2013/06/22 11:47
Quote: missu:
post the link which is directly leads to given news

missu 2013/06/22 11:49
u can go google search engine
missu 2013/06/22 13:17
Someone u can read that day news papers also
Narsimha 2013/06/23 12:15
Quote: missu: u can go google search engine

We are not here to search ur stupidity on google cunt

InternetLord 2013/06/23 21:24
Its good for him but we need the news in full details
Someone 2013/06/24 06:16
News which you posted here is two month old and you posted it with intent of provoking others. Deleted posts is proof of it. Repetition of this will b dealt strictly
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