Best of Bb2wap Debut EDITION by Amorian 2013/06/19 03:18
Below are some of the highlights from the last bb2wap sucessfully ran last year.

My task to them on task day three was
Task 3
This task has to do with ur literal ability.
Each member shoud write a poem wit atleast 10 lines and post them here..
Theme:-2wapworld's neccesity in the world of socailism
Task finishers
sweet capricon

below wer their answers

By kanchan
My Simple 2WAP Poem
Have you seen any place
Where life is not a race
But one that shelters you
In its most loving grace
Have you seen any place
That is just within your reach
Where you meet dreams and people
That brings smile to your face
Have you seen any place
That doesn't closes doors
But is there to welcome you
Whenever you want it to.
I ask you, have you seen any?
Because yeah 2wap, it is the place!

By Sweetcapricorn : M
(14:35) Tue, 5 Jun 12
My sweet poem
Here is a sweet world of smilies
U jst enter and found yourself amazed
Do you wanna thnk for a whle
The sweetest place you ever found
That gives you a sweet smile
when u got pm in you profile
This will amazed you for a while
2wap and my pair will shine
I will never forget to m3t your smile

By Kumz : M
(14:38) Tue, 5 Jun 12
New friends,
fake friends,
old friends and good.
All meet up here,
for a chat to cheer ones mood.
Friendly topics,
hurtful pasts,
arguments and debates.
All discussed in forums,
with all sorts of candidates.
Sports watch,
betting fever,
and fun games galore.
It's all here at 2WapWorld,
a place we all adore.

By _N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ :
(15:18) Tue, 5 Jun 12
Upon her I could depend,
This has been a 2wap trend.
Since I registered in 2009,
Until she left me in a mix.
"A friend will find a way" they say,
But she left me alone one fine day.
Her cool blue eyes saw good from bad,
They always sparkled even when sad.
Her loving arms held on tight,
Never giving up with all her might.
Her heart always loved and cared,
Even when she was scared.
A friend who always knew just what to do,
To help me out and pull me through.
I will treasure her forever more,
For she's a good old friend whom I adore.

By HandsomeDon :
(15:20) Tue, 5 Jun 12
2wap want to talk
of the ages, of the world
of the today , of the tomorrow
of the happy, of the sad
of flower , of bumb
2wap want to say,
want beside you when
victory to loss,love to break
old to new, admin to mod
chat to email, pm to budy
cell to server, version to update
2wap have secret of software,
2wap have sound of science,
2wap have team of geneos
2wap have store of knowledge,
do you not want to come this world ?
2wap want to say
alway want to beside you

by Barbiecute :
(16:44) Tue, 5 Jun 12
w as human beings r social animal,,
w need to b in touch wid our frndz,,
wheather it b our school mate, clg frndz,,cousin
it olso helps us to fine our frndz those w losted our contact,,
w can olso seek suggestions frm our frndz,,
those who helps in our rough days,,
it olso helps us to get frm boredon,,
the post frm our frndz tells abtthe situation in their cities nd circumstances tht they r facing,,
2wap world is the bst place to socialize,,
w can tok wid many frndz simultaniously,,
i loe similies nd i olso loe 2wapchatrooms,,
it olso helps us to knw abt cultures religions

by Jill :
(19:12) Tue, 5 Jun 12
* When life knocks you down on your knees
* wen times evrythng going wrong
* Just post a topic
* Someones to share the goodand the bad
* All positive posts, some silly, makes u smile even at tough times
* An encouraging world when you don't feel good enough..
* the best place where u can adapt to strangers with ease
* only place to teach that distance never matter in a relation..

More comming.. It was really fun.
Amorian 2013/06/19 03:37
Amorian : M
(11:11) Tue, 12 Jun12
How will you as a guy or lady handle a situation where by u are in love with your best freind's lover and u knw that ur best freind is cheating on his or her lover. Task starts n

Hareesh 2013/06/21 11:58
Hmmm g.d. Info
The_Torpid 2013/06/28 12:28
I'll Participate Must!! /smiley
King4love 2013/06/29 01:31
Wao nice
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