Man of Steel by
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/06/18 03:46
You gotta be kiddin me if you say you love superheroes but you havent watched this one.
A brilliant and the best superman movie till date. The biggest opener in 2013 with 113 Million in 3 day.super.
Shaev7 2013/06/18 07:28
I havent n precise I barely watch filmz.
Manal 2013/06/19 07:32
There's a new movie of brad pitt called first still from war world Z,hope to watch it on dvd
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/06/19 07:36
I dont think that movie will be such a hit as man of steel 
Manal: There's a new movie of brad pitt called first still from war world Z,hope to watch it on dvd
Trax 2013/06/19 07:40
i must watch this...
Manal 2013/06/19 07:41
J.A.R.V.I.S: I dont think that movie will be such a hit as man of steel

let see
Manal 2013/06/19 07:48
That's superman suits
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