avatar vs titanic by SONIC 2013/06/18 02:51
both r 2 of the super hit english moviez wid mammoth budjet....which 1 u like the most...reason?
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/06/18 03:44
Avatar because the concept is far far better.
KnighT_RideR 2013/06/18 08:34
_EdGE_ 2013/06/18 10:38
Titanic. /smiley As it is based on reality. Avatar has nothing to do with reality.
SONIC 2013/06/18 11:43
Quote: _EdGE_: Titanic. /smiley As it is based on reality. Avatar has nothing to do with reality.
same opinion for me too..

_vIsHaL_ 2013/06/20 06:31
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/06/26 16:21
Titanic has reality edge while Avatar has new concept n technology...
Let them remain as they r.. I liked both

_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/02 10:24
I like Titanic, for its realty! (yes)

Fremder_Aryan 2013/07/04 04:08
both r my fav
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/08 11:42
Best avater
smk_munna 2013/08/02 05:11
DARkN3Ss_aNG3L 2013/08/11 15:49
Avatar. Its more interesting.
Georginia 2013/08/12 13:22
Titanic its a true story.
NAASH 2013/08/12 20:48
M a g8 fan of JAMES CAMERON
(Avatar bst)
Avatar iz a legendry flm wth d 3D technology
Titanic iz a classic luv stry!

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/23 05:14
Titanic...Because its a true story...
SAFDAR 2013/10/01 05:05
titanic....bcoz it look real.
SkY2k 2015/12/19 22:34
Avatar because the movie is based on reality and is somehow explaining to us about Agatha and the hidden truth of the existence of the inner earth...
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